Just Open Your Hands to a Healthier Happiness

  • PREVALENCE OF OBESiTY: WORLDWiDEIn 2015, a study estimated that 107.7 million children(uncertainty interval, 101.1 to 115.1) and 603.7million adults (uncertainty interval, 592.9 to 615.6)were obese worldwide.SOURCE: Afshin, A. et al. Health Effects of Overweight and Obesity in 195Countries Over 25 Years. N. Engl. J. Med. 377, 13ā€“27 (2017). ā€œ603.7 Million Adultsā€ā€œ107.7 Million Childrenā€ PREVALENCE OF OBESiTY: US MEN AND WOMENThe prevalence of obesity among men aged 40ā€“59 (40.8%)had a higher prevalence of obesity than men aged 20ā€“39 (34.8%).Women aged 40ā€“59 (44.7%) had a higher prevalence of obesitythan women aged 20ā€“39 (36.5%).SOURCE: NCHS, National Health and NutritionExamination Survey, 2015ā€“2016. ā€œUS Men Aged 40ā€“59 years (40.8%)ā€ā€œUS Women Aged 40ā€“59 years (44.7%)ā€ PREVALENCE OF OBESiTY: US BOYS AND GiRLSSchool-aged boys (20.4%) had a higher prevalence of obesitythan preschool-aged boys (14.3%). Adolescent girls (20.9%)had a higher prevalence of obesity than preschool-aged girls(13.5%).SOURCE: NCHS, National Health and NutritionExamination Survey, 2015ā€“2016. ā€œAdolescents 12ā€“19 years (20.6%)ā€ā€œChildren Aged 6ā€“11 years (18.4%)ā€ā€œChildren Aged 2ā€“5 years (13.9%)ā€ PREVALENCE OF CANCER: US MEN AND WOMENThe 5-year prevalence of cancer among men were 3.8 million(3,783,554) and women were 3.5 million (3,496,156) United States.In 2018, US men had a higher prevalence of new prostate cancercases (212,783) compare to US women and US women had ahigher prevalence of new breast cancer cases (234,084)compare to US men.SOURCE: IARCā€™s Global Cancer Observatory (WHO),GLOBOCAN 2018. ā€œ212,783 NEW PRoStAtE CANCER CASESā€ā€œ234,084 NEW BREASt CANCER CASESā€